The cycle of life and death, Samsara, the metaphor of eternal change and transition in this human experience will be an inevitable object of contemplation many times in everyone's life. To put in perspective those newly born, those present, and those passing can become energy to fuel the intelligent awareness of your presence. Don't be your mind's victim, it is your ally. From the deepest radiance of spirit to the intertwined dance of genetic expression, we aren't built to solve these mysteries, but we are alive to embrace its existence, curiously learn from it, create with it, build from it, destroy it, love/hate it, etc... no matter how many distractions come your way, revisiting your focus with the inescapable, will keep unfolding the layers of who you ARE / IS. This life is your MAGNUM opus...


MODULOFI - 22222


Leonardo Trincabelli - Tierra (WIGZEN + Fjorda remix)